Rapper Owen Ovadoz of MKIT Rain Crew said on his Instagram live stream that he wants to rape white girls.
“Ah man, I can’t… I can’t stand white skin bitches. I wanna rape ’em.”
– Owen Ovadoz
time to put o*en on blast LMFAOOO. he’s cancelled byeee pic.twitter.com/115WBXedGY
— spooky les🔪 (@cherryboyloo) October 3, 2017
Following outrage at the disgusting comment, Ovadoz proceeded to upload his statement on the matter, dismissing his actions on “being drunk”.
Recently, Ovadoz had also come under fire for defending fellow rapper Neil for soliciting nude photos from an underage fan, essentially soliciting child pornography.
“So what she’s underage.”
– Owen Ovadoz
His dismissal of Neil’s behavior earned him initial criticism and he was ultimately condemned by many of his fans for his inappropriate words.
In turn, Neil ultimately went on to threaten fans – even going so far as to claim he had their IP addresses and have been soliciting hit men from the dark web.
“neil is threatening me and my family for something i didn’t even do it’s not my fault your nudes got leaked and the worst part is he accused me of having an android 😪🤧”
– Instagram user @mkit42
Threats made to fan by Neil / Images: @mkit42Fans demanded an apology for Neil’s grotesque behavior after posting the threatening messages.
Screenshot from the short YouTube documentary which glosses over the scandal.He and Owen later released a short documentary entitled Problematic on the scandal, though the crew has remained under heavy criticism.
As for Ovadoz, his Instagram has since been made private with no further statements on horrific live stream.

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