TWICE’s Sana has a new hair color, and fans are totally on board with the new hairdo!
She previously had black hair, brown hair, blonde hair, purple hair, and the list goes on and on…
But the fans are exceptionally loving this dirty blonde look!
Her aegyo game skyrockets to a whole new level of brightness.
As she shined so brightly on the “SIGNAL” stage.
It’s almost as if she was born to have dirty blonde hair.
Fans also noticed that she had short layers in the back…
It almost looked as if she was wearing hair extensions.
You could barely see the layers when she donned it in gorgeous waves.
It brought out a more elegant side to Sana.
Who knew bubbly Sana can also be the epitome of chic elegance?
But at the end of it all, fans were correct!
Sana actually did have short dirty blonde hair!
Whether it be short, long, wavy or straight… Sana looks absolutely fabulous in her dirty blonde look!

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